One my colleague wanted to make one of our customer’s environment very secure so he decided to install Enterprise Certification Authority environment with 4kB keys. He created one offline root CA with 4kB key (Windows 2003). This computer is offline all the time. Another CA is Issuing CA which key is signed by root CA. This issuing CA also had 4kB key (Windows 2008 R2). Certificates issued by issuing CA were from 2kB-16kB.
Problem raised when customer wanted to create certificate for Cisco devices to secure Wifi. To make those devices use and trust certificates from issuing CA customer needed to import Root and Issuing CA public certificates into those Cisco devices. And this was a problem. Those Cisco devices didn’t want to work with more than 2kB certificates.
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Categories: Security, Windows Tags: capolicy, capolicy.inf, certificate, certification authority, decrease, key, lenght, renewalkeylenght, size, Windows
Today we tried to run Windows Server 2012 RC on VMWare. Our version of OS on VM was set to Microsoft Windows Server 8.
After first reboot after installation we got black screen with little circles going around forever:

Never ending cycling
We couldn’t make it work. But we found solution. Just change OS Version of VM to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit).
For Windows 8 it is required to change OS Version to Windows 7. Thanks to Róbert Švec.
We hope VMWare will fix this soon 🙂
When I want to feel like guru or I just need to use some Unix based utilities in Windows, I used to install It’s cool. But I recently found out that Windows has native support for Unix based applications.
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Today I was at one cutomers and they had two Windows 2003 domain controllers. They bought another server and wanted to install domain controller on Windows 2008 R2.
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Categories: Windows Tags: 2008, adprep, do, does, done, empty, enter, file, forestprep, line, log, nothing, r2, waiting, waits, Windows
I was wondering what would Windows XP payload to be. I always thought that there will be random characters or something like that, but I was wrong.
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Ako som spominal v predchadzajucom clanku, lokalne politiky nie su moc vhodne na centralne spravovanie prostredia, kedze kazda lokalna politika zije svoj “lokalny zivot” 🙂 Na centralne spravovanie politik pre koncove pocitace potrebujeme funkcnu Active Directory (dalej len AD) domenu a v nej vyuzijeme Group Policy Object. Ale co to vlastne ten Group Policy Object je?
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Most of the time I found at customers’ sites that they disable firewalls completely, because they don’t have time or they are just lazy to define exceptions in firewall settings. But this is not really good idea according to security.
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Today I went to one of our customers and they were complaining about not being able to access admin shares on their clients’ computers. Admin shares are those following:
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Today I was facing weird problem at our customer. They have IBM HS21 blade server with build-in dual-port Broadcom network card. There was only Windows 2008 installed with all up2date drivers. Everything worked fine besides network performance. Upload from server to other servers was around 20MBps, which is fine. Problem was download to server, because it was 1-2MBps.
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Problem: Today I’ve played with IGEL thin client. It was set up to automatically log-in to Windows OS. When I tried “Log off” from sessions it logged me in again. Another problem was that it logged me in under “user” account, so I couldn’t change any setting.
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