One of our customer just released the beauty and power of GPO. They started to use it more and more. Couple days ago they set brand new GPO with following settings:
- Proxy IP was set with port 3128 for all protocols
- Exceptions for couple websites and local addresses

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Today one of our biggest customer with the biggest Exchange environment called with weird problem. Customer’s exchange environment is scalled for 60k users in future.
E-mail from outside to inside were going through. So people could receive mails from Internet. When they tried to send an e-mail following appeared:
When user sent e-mail from OWA, all e-mail messages stayed as Draft folder
When user sent e-mail from Outlook, all e-mail message were at Sent Items, but no mails were delivered
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I found great utility builtin Windows Vista and higher. It’s called Problem Steps Recorder. It’s mentioned to use it by users to record their problems and then send recorded screens to Helpdesk/Administrator.
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Today we tried to run Windows Server 2012 RC on VMWare. Our version of OS on VM was set to Microsoft Windows Server 8.
After first reboot after installation we got black screen with little circles going around forever:

Never ending cycling
We couldn’t make it work. But we found solution. Just change OS Version of VM to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit).
For Windows 8 it is required to change OS Version to Windows 7. Thanks to Róbert Švec.
We hope VMWare will fix this soon 🙂
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