Sometimes when you work on linux in bash you don’t want to leave commands in bash history (.bash_history). Easy way to clean it up it’s to run following command:
Now your bash history will be not accessible and not saved when you logoff.
Sometimes you need to have a overview what happened on OS couple days/weeks/monts ago. Before I knew there is some utility I would look into events and look for some problem ones.
Now I know there is a utility in Windows Vista and higher which is called Reliability Monitor which records all major changes/errors on OS. You can run it from Start Menu typying “Reliabi..” and you will find:

Reliability Monitor
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Vo firmách kde je Windowsové prostredie sa väčšinou používajú tzv. roamingové profily užívateľov. Tento profil je špecifický tým, že keď sa prihlási užívateľ na ktorýkoľvek počítač v doméne, jeho profil sa prenesie na daný počítač. Read more…
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