We have Exchange 2007 environment which contains 6 Failover Exchange clusters and each with 24 mailbox databases (total 144 mailbox databases). When there is a problem with replication of databases we needed to click every Failover cluster and check Copy Status of databases. To get rid of this hassle I wrote little script which lists all databases which Copy Status is not “Healthy”:
Get-MailboxServer | % { Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus -Server $_.Identity | ? {$_.SummaryCopyStatus -NotLike “Healthy” } }
For Exchange 2010 it would change little bit to:
Get-MailboxServer | % { Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server $_.Identity | ? {$_.Status -NotLike “Healthy” } }
Now I’m ready to check in couple of seconds the health of databases 🙂
Today one of our biggest customer with the biggest Exchange environment called with weird problem. Customer’s exchange environment is scalled for 60k users in future.
E-mail from outside to inside were going through. So people could receive mails from Internet. When they tried to send an e-mail following appeared:
When user sent e-mail from OWA, all e-mail messages stayed as Draft folder
When user sent e-mail from Outlook, all e-mail message were at Sent Items, but no mails were delivered
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One Exchange 2010 server didn’t mount databases after each reboot. When I looked to Event viewer I saw following events:

The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service terminated with service-specific error %%-2137221213
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One of our customer has Exchange working Exchange 2010 environment. Customer wanted to create one exchange mailbox server in other physical location. Customer would use this new mailbox server to host only archive databases. So I have installed new mailbox server in separate physical location (in separate AD site), created couple databases and configured users to use this databases as archive.
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Today one of our customer called that he has all exchange 2003 databases down and he cannot mount them.
In eventlog I saw following error:

Event 9518 error 0xfffffddc
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Today I was asked to find out why some users gets Out of office message subject in Slovak language and some in English. Company has two Exchange 2003 servers. One is for Front-end and second is to host mailbox databases.
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Today one of our customers called me and asked how they can prevent from receiving e-mails from Internet for particular distribution group. They have Exchange 2010 SP2. I instructed him to check field on properties of distribution group called Require that all senders are authentificated.
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Categories: Exchange, Security, Windows Tags: authentificated, connector, exchange, externally secured, legacy exchange, receive, relay, require, users
I couldn’t connect via ActiveSync on my account. I’ve checked events on CAS server and I found:
Exchange ActiveSync doesn’t have sufficient permissions to create the “CN=Zilinec Ondrej – testovaci TS uzivatel,OU=TESTUSERS,OU=UZIVATELIA,OU=XXX,DC=XXX,DC=in,DC=XXX,DC=XX” container under Active Directory user “Active Directory operation failed on DCB1.XXX. This error is not retriable. Additional information: Access is denied.
Active directory response: 00000005: SecErr: DSID-031521D0, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0
Make sure the user has inherited permission granted to domain\Exchange Servers to allow List, Create child, Delete child of object type “msExchActiveSyncDevices” and doesn’t have any deny permissions that block such operations.
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This weekend was again migrating for Exchange 2010 🙂 And right now other problems and solutions 🙂
On one CAS server I logged in via OWA and I’ve got internall error 500 from IIS 7.0.
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This days I was installing one Exchange 2007 server into existing Exchange organization (two other Exchange 2007 servers). I enabled one new server all features which Exchange 2007 brings to clients: Outlook Anywhere, Autodiscover, ActiveSync. After couple days we discovered that by this setting not only local users were affected, but all clients connecting into Exchange Organization (also those connecting to two old servers).
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