Over the weekend I was setting up Exchange 2010 database copies using DAG. Those databases were huge (total of 3,5 TB). Line between primary and backup datacenter was 100Mbps. This migration ran over 24 hours for couple databases. When I checked the status I saw job was running 23 hours and 20 minutes:

When I have checked status in about hour and half I saw interesting time:

This happened on all databases which ran over 24 hours 🙂 So it looks like Microsoft engineers haven’t think about job running more than 24 hours 🙂
That’s all from weekend,
At one Microsoft Exchange 2010 server I was receiving too many events number 106:

This event basically describes problem with some performance counter. I had problems with about 10 performance counters and I didn’t want to deal with them separatelly. Exchange 2010 has definition its performance counters stored in directory “C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Setup\Perf\”. There are XML files which define performance counters. Before you can manipulate with performance counters you need to run Exchange Management Shell and run in it following command:
add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Setup
This Snap-in allows you to use two Cmd-lets: Remove-PerfCounters and New-PerfCounters. So let’s do two things which help us to get rid of events 106:
Deregister all performance counters for Exchange:
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Setup\Perf>dir *.xml | foreach { Remove-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName $_.Name }
Register all performance counters for Exchange:
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Setup\Perf>dir *.xml | foreach { New-PerfCounters -DefinitionFileName $_.Name }
Since I reregistrered all performance counter definitions into Exchange 2010 server I have no problem with event 106.
This was quickie for today 🙂
When I migrate mailboxes between Exchange servers I increase numbers of move requests because two is really limiting in nowadays network and servers speeds.
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Today I was migrating mailboxes from Exchange 2003 to new server Exchange 2010. Almost all accounts were working fine except couple. I receive following error:
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Categories: Exchange Tags: access, active directory, AD, error, exchange, exchange 2010, failed, INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS, insufficient, migration, move request, rights
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