This event can appear on IBM storages when some host is trying to access unmapped disk. Here is an example of event:
Date/Time: 29.4.2011 10:53:38
Sequence number: 318286
Event type: 300D
Event category: Command
Priority: Informational
Description: Mode select for redundant controller page 2C received
Event specific codes: 0/0/0
Component type: Controller
Component location: Enclosure 85, Slot 1
Logged by: Controller in slot A
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Hello all
Today I earned another Cisco certificate. It’s CCDA. I had 1000 points out of 1000 🙂

I played with HP Procurve switches and I found one weird default setting. Spanning Tree Protocol is disabled by default. It was weird finding because I tried to interconnect two switches with pair of cables whole my network went down 🙂 It was overloaded with b-cast storm.
Today I was facing weird problem at our customer. They have IBM HS21 blade server with build-in dual-port Broadcom network card. There was only Windows 2008 installed with all up2date drivers. Everything worked fine besides network performance. Upload from server to other servers was around 20MBps, which is fine. Problem was download to server, because it was 1-2MBps.
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Na martinskom danovom urade som bol odniest tlacivo na 2% z dane pre skolku, kde chodi nas Risko. Ked som dosiel, tak ma na “Miestnosti prveho kontaktu” nasiel papierik s otvaracimi hodinami, ktorym som na prvy uponahlany pohlad pochopil uplne opacne ako boli pisane. Vsak pozrite sa sami:

Ja som to pochopil na prvy uponahlany pohlad, ze maju otvorene len v Utorok a vo Stvrtok, ale opak je iny. Tato miestnost je otvorena len v nestankove dni (ked cely danovy urad spracuvava papiere) a to je v uvedenych hodinach. Toto vysvetlenie som dostal od veducej oddelenia daneho danoveho uradu.
Este, ze ti uradnici rozumeju tomu co napisu 🙂
Problem: Today I’ve played with IGEL thin client. It was set up to automatically log-in to Windows OS. When I tried “Log off” from sessions it logged me in again. Another problem was that it logged me in under “user” account, so I couldn’t change any setting.
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Hello all again
Today I decided to strart to blog in English, because it’s more usefull for wide range of visitors than Slovakian. Problem is that lot of you wrote me an e-mail about my articles asking me to translate them.
So we will write in english since now.
Takže po dlhšej dobe som zase narazil na veľký problém. Implementoval som Exchange 2007 a chceli sme dosiahnuť, aby používatelia, ktorí sa prihlasia na OWA rozhranie mali vždy nastavenú login stránku na slovenský jazyk. Taktiež sme chceli dosiahnúť, aby mali všetci používatelia svoje mailboxy v slovenskom jazyku.
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Categories: Windows Tags: 1051, exchange, exchange 2007, Get-OwaVirtualDirectory, is, LCID, not, owa, Set-OwaVirtualDirectory, slovak, slovencina, supported, value, which
Určite sa aj vám stalo, že ste vybrali zariadenie z počítača a už ste nemohli nájsť zariadenie v správcovi zariadení. Da sa manuálne v správcovi zariadení zapnúť, aby bolo možné vidieť tzv. Hidden devices. Ale štandardne vie správca zariadení zobraziť len non-Plug and Play zariadenia, ovládače a tlačiarne.
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Veľa krát sa stretávam u zákazníkov s tým, že ľudia sa sťažujú na rôzne posuny časov tak na ich klientských počítačoch ako aj na serveroch. Read more…
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