One of our users reported problems with vMotion after firmware upgrade of IBM server. Firmware were upgraded using BOMC (utility to create ISO images to upgrade IBM server to the lastest versions available).
After upgrade user was not able to do vMotion. They received following error:
Host CPU is incompatible with the virtual machine’s requirements at CPUID level 0x1 register ‘ecx’.

After couple minutes of googling I found out following official articles:
Based on information there is change when you do firmware upgrade. Sometime (from some version) AES feature is Enabled and sometime is disabled. This setting cannot be changed in BIOS and this is really sad. So let’s look at the way you can change it.
In second mentioned article IBM suppose to download some prepared ISO image called BoMC-2.20-uEFI-AesEnable-to-enabled-vmotion-fix.iso. But I couldn’t find this ISO image. So I had to use other way around. I downloaded IBM Advanced Setting Utility. I downloaded and installes version for Windows 64b. You need your RSA card to be accessible through network. Then you can run following command to check actual value:
asu64.exe showvalues UEFI.AesEnable –host RSA_IP_ADDRESS –user RSA_USER –password RSA_PASSWORD

You can check it on all ESX servers. To decide whether feature should be enabled or disabled you this article. We need to change it to the same setting using following command:
asu64.exe set UEFI.AesEnable Disable –host RSA_IP_ADDRESS –user RSA_USER –password RSA_PASSWORD

When values are the same on all ESX server you are able to do vMotion. I was kinda mad on IBM, because I would preffer to change this value in BIOS instead of some application.
I was browsing at Brocade website lot last couple days, but when I accessed it from my Internet Explorer 10 I received following warning:

I thin Internet Explorer is out for a quite time, so Broacade had time to “implement” it on its website 🙂
Dneska som sa nieco chcel pozriet nieco vo Vrutkach na google maps a zistil som, ze cele Vrutky su pod oblakmi 🙂

Vrutky v oblakoch
Dakujeme Google 🙂
Last two weeks I had to update some NTP servers from one German company. When I requested new firmware I received following e-mail:
Dear Sir,
unfortunately, I cannot provide a new firmware since your compact flash card is too small and the action might end up in a system’s inconsistency.
Thus, you are also not the only customer who is affected by this, we offer bigger compact flash cards for 65€ each. Please let me know whether this is of interest for you and if you need an official offer.
Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards
So this made my very upset. To be able to upgrade to the newest version of firmware I had to pay 65EUR for new flashcard. So I wrote couple e-mail to this company. I wanted to know the reason why I need to invest more to NTP server. I found out that firmware got big and it cannot be uploaded into flash which came with NTP server. This looked weird to me. Why would I have to invest into device if manufacter’s engineers made a mistake. I already decided not to sell manufacter’s devices. And I though that was end of the story.
Today I received following e-mail:
Dear Ondrej,
I just wanted to let you know that we dramatically improved our update procedure and, after an intensive clean-up, released
the new firmware version 5.34h which can be installed on 64MB compact flash cards without any problems. The new release is 4 MB (~25%) smaller (!) than the previous version without removing any features.
Although you already expressed your extreme dissatisfaction with our products and decided for yourself to not recommend or
buy Meinberg products in the future, your feedback helped us to improve our software and I sincerely thank you for that.
Best Regards,
So it’s funny how some angry and mad e-mails can change such a things. Now we can upgrade our devices. But I don’t think we will offer them anymore to customers 🙂
Today I was at the VMWare ThinApp forum answering questions and I found out nice question asked in very funny and nice way:

Is there any Simplified Chinese language pack
I tried to copy and paste it into google translator and it really translated even Simplified Chinese questions 🙂
Have a nice day,
Hello all
Today I earned another Cisco certificate.

Today I was looking at googlemaps and also into googleearth for some information and I found airoplane:

This event can appear on IBM storages when some host is trying to access unmapped disk. Here is an example of event:
Date/Time: 29.4.2011 10:53:38
Sequence number: 318286
Event type: 300D
Event category: Command
Priority: Informational
Description: Mode select for redundant controller page 2C received
Event specific codes: 0/0/0
Component type: Controller
Component location: Enclosure 85, Slot 1
Logged by: Controller in slot A
Read more…
Hello all
Today I earned another Cisco certificate. It’s CCDA. I had 1000 points out of 1000 🙂

Hello all again
Today I decided to strart to blog in English, because it’s more usefull for wide range of visitors than Slovakian. Problem is that lot of you wrote me an e-mail about my articles asking me to translate them.
So we will write in english since now.
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