
Archive for the ‘Windows’ Category

Quickie: Pipe output into Clipboard

September 24th, 2014 No comments

I just found one cool utility. It’s called clip.exe. You can use this utility to input the content from pipline into clipboard and then paste the content of clipboard where ever you want.

Here a example:

ipconfig /all | clip

When you run this all the output from command “ipconfig /all” is stored into windows clipboard. Now you can Paste (CTRL+V) this into any application you want.

When you want to read the content of any file into windows clipboard you can use following command:

clip < C:\kukuc.txt

This cool utility came with Windows Server 2003 (not in Windows XP) and stayed there until Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 R2.

Have a good day,



Categories: Quickie, Windows Tags: , , ,

Powershell Web Access

September 8th, 2014 1 comment

I was playing today with new feature called PowerShell Web Access. This feature was brought in Windows Server 2012. It is very easy to install and easy to use. You need to select one server which will act as Web Access PowerShell gateway server. You will be connecting to this server using SSL and this server will use PowerShell remoting to access computers inside your network. So let’s make it work.

First you need to run PowerShell as a admin on gateway server:


Let’s look for Windows features which contain word “shell”:


Windows PowerShell Web Access is the feature we want to install. So let’s install it:


Now we can look at this website to lear more, but let’s play more. Now we have new cmdlets containig word “pswa” (PowerShell Web Access):


We installed pswa feature, but this feature didn’t install its web component into the server. So let’s install pswa Web application using cmdlet Install-PswaWebApplication with parameter -UseTestCertificate. This parameter creates self-signed SSL certificate for this new site, you can use your own certificate. Be aware that this certificate expires in 90 days.


New website was created:


By default no one can use Powershell access gateway. You need to define explicit rules who, where and what can do. For easy test you can use following rule for domain group called GRP_PowerShell_Remote to access all computers with all permissions:


Now everything is prepared. We need to make some changes in network (routers and NAT) to be able to access 443 port on server from Internet. Now when we open site, we can see:

PowerShell Web Access

And now you can work on machines inside your network. It’s secure and reliable:


This is very nice and cute feature.

I hope you will start to use and enjoy it.

Have a nice day.


Storage Explorer

August 27th, 2014 No comments

Hello folks

Today I found one really nice utility at Windows Server 2008 R2 and up. It’s called Storage Explorer. It’s MMC snap-in which enables you to see what your fiber optic cards (HBAs) on fiber optic fabrics.

You can see information about your HBAs:

Storage Explorer

This utility somehow connected into fibre optic switch and listed its ports and WWNs connected to it:

Storage Explorer

And also found some information about optical switch (for example management IP address):

Storage Explorer

I know this tool is not as powerfull as Brocade SANHealth, but it’s bettern than nothing 🙂

That’s all folks for today,

DFSR not copying all temporary files

June 6th, 2014 1 comment

I implemented DFSR replication in our customer between two locations. There are people opening same files on both locations and they want to use Office document locking feature. This locking mechanism is based on creation of temporary files (~*). So I removed file exception (~*) from DFSR Replicaiton Group and allowed to replicate temporary Office files. When I create and open Word document on one location two files are were: WORD.docx and ~$WORD.docx. And when I created new Excel document two files were created: EXCEL.xlsx and ~$EXCEL.xlsx.

Creation of temporary filesOn other location only two files were replicated (created): WORD.xlsx and ~$WORD.xlsx:

Replicated filesWhen I closed Word and Excel temporary files dissapeared and docx and xlsx files replicated correctly.

So let’s look why those files were not replicated. In some Technet articles I found that DFSR doesn’t replicate temporary files. More info is here and here.

It’s nice to know that DFSR doesn’t replicate files marked as temporary. So let’s look at those opened Word and Excel files.


File attrib

– Only archive attribute set (0x20)


File attrib– Archive attribute (0x20) and Hidden (0x02)


File attrib– Only archive attribute set (0x20)


File attrib

So utility fsutil cannot open data from this file. It looks that Excel opens its files different way as Word does. And that’s why file ~$EXCEL.xlsx didn’t copy to other location, because DFSR cannot access this file while it’s opened in Excel.

This Excel behaviour causes that Office locking mechanism is not working over DFSR.

Let’s hope Microsoft will fix this in other release Office 🙂

Have a nice day,

Quickie: How to delete registry using reg file

June 6th, 2014 No comments

I always used .reg files to import registry keys and values. I started to think if it’s possible to delete registry key or value using .reg file.

To create key and value you can use following .reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



To delete only value “test_value” you can run following .reg file (minus sign after the equal sign):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



To delete whole key you can run following .reg file (minus sign in front of key name):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



That’s all for now,


Thumbs.db locked DFSR

May 21st, 2014 3 comments


I had one problem with DFSR. I had two servers. Server01 in located in Location01 and Server02 located in Location02. There is DFSR Replication Group configured between those two servers. Replication worked in one direction – from Server01 to Server02, but it didn’t work from Server02 to Server01.


When I looked into backlog of Server02 using command:

dfsrdiag backlog /rgname:Rep_Group /rfname:Rep_Folder /SendingMember:SERVER02 /Receivingmember:SERVER01

I found out that there is lots of files stuck in queue – backlog. All of them were called Thumbs.db. These files are used by Windows Explorer to store thumbnails of files in directories.


I fixed issue by clearing conflict directory using following commands. I had to find out GUID for my replication folder:

wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrreplicatedfolderconfig get replicatedfolderguid,replicatedfoldername

And then run procedure to clear conflict directory:

wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrreplicatedfolderinfo where “replicatedfolderguid=’GUID’” call cleanupconflictdirectory

After directory clearance replication stared to work.

But I wanted to prohibit to create Thumbs.db files on network shares. I don’t know about any setting that would disable it on client machines so I had to restrict creation on servers. I decided to create File Screen to prohibit Thumbs.db creation on servers.

1. On server go to Server Manager — Roles — File Services — Share and Storage Management — File Server Resource Manager — File Screening Management:FS01

2. Right-click on File Groups and create new File Group:

– Name it

– Include file “Thumbs.db” into list


3. Right-click on File Screen Templates and create new screen template:

– Name it

– Make sure you have selected Active screening

– Select new created group “Thumbs.db”


4. Enable file screening on directory. Right-click on File Screens and create file screen.

– Select Path where File Screen should apply

– Select new created File Screen Template


And screen file is sucessfully set.

One more step I took was delete all Thumbs.db files from server’s disk. I run following powershell command in share directory:

Get-ChildItem -Force -Recurse | where { $_.Name -like “Thumbs.db”  } | Remove-Item -Force

And that’s all for today play with DFSR.

Quickie: Couple helpful command for DFSR

May 21st, 2014 No comments

Today I was solving issue with not replicating DFSR server in Full Mesh topology. Here are couple helpful commands to work with DFSR:

To look if any replication is in progress:

dfsrdiag replicationstate

To look if there is anything in backlog:

dfsrdiag backlog /rgname:Rep_Group /rfname:Rep_Folder /SendingMember:SERVER01 /Receivingmember:SERVER02

To disable debug logging:

wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrmachineconfig set enabledebuglog=false

To set maximum debug files:

wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrmachineconfig set maxdebuglogfiles=2000

To set maximum lines in one log file:

wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrmachineconfig set maxdebuglogmessages=400000

To look for replication folder GUID:

wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrreplicatedfolderconfig get replicatedfolderguid,replicatedfoldername

To clean up conflict directory:

wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrreplicatedfolderinfo where “replicatedfolderguid=’GUID'” call cleanupconflictdirectory

That’s all folks for today,

Categories: Microsoft, Quickie, Windows Tags: , ,

Quickie: Right click using keyboard

April 29th, 2014 No comments

In my class today we needed to do right-click in Windows using keyboard. I just found out that Shift + F10 simulates right-click 🙂

That’s all for today,

How to implement Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol

April 8th, 2014 4 comments

Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol known as WPAD is protocol used by web browsers to locate URL of configuration file using DHCP or DNS.

How does it work?

Computer running web browser must be configured to detect settings automaticaly. It can be turned on in Internet Explorer:

When this browser starts it detects WPAD URL. If browser supports DHCP discovery it will send DHCPINFORM query on network asking for WPAD option. If client doesn’t get DHCP answer it will try DNS query. Let’s assume we have local domain expo.domain.local. Client will try following URLs:

  • http://wpad.expo.domain.local/wpad.dat
  • http://wpad.domain.local/wpad.dat

When this DNS is not successful browser will try URL with NetBios name http://wpad/wpad.dat.

This behaviour can depend on WPAD implementation in browser. Some browser doesn’t use DHCP detection. Some will try also http://wpad.local/wpad.dat URL. I will write only about Internet Explorer behaviour.

Finally when browser gets wpad.dat file from WPAD URL it will parse this file and set proxy settings described in wpad.dat file.

How to make it work?

Let’s assume we have DHCP and DNS services running on Windows Server. We also need IIS installed on server. First of all we need to create new IIS Website:

We will bind this website to port 80 and Host name will be set to wpad.domain.local. We will create new directory C:\inetpub\wpad where website will point. Second, we need to define new MIME type in IIS. Click on IIS server name in IIS console. Then click on MIME Types:

On right side click on action Add.. and define new MIME type (.dat – application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig):

In directory C:\inetpub\wpad create new file called wpad.dat with following content:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {

if(shExpMatch(url,"*intranet/*")) { return "DIRECT"; }

if(shExpMatch(url,"*.domain.local/*")) { return "DIRECT"; }

if(shExpMatch(url,"10.0.*")) { return "DIRECT"; }

if(shExpMatch(url,"192.168.*")) { return "DIRECT"; }

// DEFAULT RULE: All other traffic, use below proxies, in fail-over order.

return "PROXY";


This file is in format Proxy auto-config (PAC file) and it is self-explanatory. It’s kind of fucntion which says if URL is “*intranet/*, “*.domain.local/*,… browser will go directly to this URL. Those are proxy exceptions. Other not defined traffic will be send to proxy server and its port 8080. This script can be more advanced. Be aware, if you make some mistake some stupid browsers (including Internet Explorer) will skip whole script and not use it 🙂

Now when we have our wpad.dat file ready we can try if we are able to download it using browser. Just try if you can download file http://wpad.domain.local/wpad.dat.

If everything works let’s inform browsers we have published autoconfiguration file.

Publish in DHCP

We need to create new DHCP Option 252 first:

  • Open DHCP Console
  • Right click on DHCP server and select Set Predefined Options and then click Add
  • In Name type wpad, Data type select String and Code type 25

  • Click OK
  • Enter value http://wpad.domain.local/wpad.dat in Value String field
  • Click OK
  • Right-click on Scope Options in DHCP scope where you want add DHCP value 252 and select Configure Options…

  • Scroll all the way down and select DHCP value 252 and click OK

This is all for DHCP setup. Let’s look on DNS setup.

Publish in DNS

You need to create DNS A record wpad.domain.local and point it to IP where WPAD Website runs. Windows servers will not answer on DNS A “wpad” requests. It’s basically for security reason. “wpad” is blocked in DNS by default. In default DNS block list are two records: wpad and isatap. To enable wpad we need to left only isatap in block list. You can do it by command dnscmd /config /globalqueryblocklist isatap.


  • If browser has DHCP discovery and get some DHCP Option 252, it will not do DNS discovery
  • Some browsers don’t support DHCP discovery. Only Internet Explorer and Konqueror support both the DHCP and DNS discovery functions

That’s all folks for today 🙂

Remote Powershell in domain environment

March 21st, 2014 3 comments

Sometimes you need to run some command on remote computer. If you don’t want to bother user using Remote Assistance or user is not at the computer you can try Remote Powershell. Powershell was new feature when Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 came. So we can divide operating systems into three categories. Each category requires some things and some requirements.

Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2 and higher

  • Needs to open ports in firewall (is your firewall is not open all the way)
  • Needs to enable and configure WinRM
  • Needs to configure WinRM service to run

Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008

  • Needs everything from first group
  • Needs to install PowerShell 2.0

Windows XP / Windows Server 2003

  • Needs everything from second group
  • Needs to install .NET Framework

Probably your environment will be mixed of all three types of operating systems. So let’s look how to configure it. I will use GPOs everywhere it can be used.

Enable Remote PowerShell for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

Create GPO and set following:

Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Remote Management (WinRM) > WinRM Service > Allow automatic configuration of listeners (Allow Remote Server management through WinRM):

Firewall exceptions

Firewall exceptions for Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 and higher

If you have Microsoft firewall closed and you need to make exception using GPO in Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Network > Network Connections > Windows Firewall > Domain Profile > Windows Firewall: Define inbound port exceptions:

Firewall exceptions for Windows XP / Windows Server 2003

You have to define New Firewall rule under Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Windows Firewall with Advanced Security > Windows Firewall with Advanced Security > Inbound Rules and create new Inbound rule with predefined type “Windows Remote Management”:

Configure Service

To enable Remote Powershell I need to configure service. WinRM service has to start automatically. Create new setting in GPO in Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > System Services. Setup service Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) following way:

Let’s change startup for this service using GPO settings under Computer Configuration > Preferences > Control Panel Settings > Services. Create new Service setting with following settings:

Windows XP / Windows 2003 specialities

To make Powershell work remotely on older operating systems you need to make sure your operating systems have installed two hotfixes: KB968930 and KB951847. These hotfixes are distibuted via Windows Updates so if you use WSUS, there updates are already on your older operating systems.

To enable PowerShell for remote connection you need to enable it using startup script. So you need to create new GPO which will run only on older OS. You can use following WMI filter to make this GPO apply only on older OS:

You can use following script as a startup script to enable Powershell Remote for Windows XP.

To test it you can run following command:

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName COMPUTER_NAME

Active Directory Users and Computes Implementation

To make it look better you can implement connection to computer using Active Directory Users and Computers.

On location \\domain.local\NETLOGON create new Powershell.vbs file:

' ' Script to run Remote Powershell on domain computer '

Set wshArguments = WScript.Arguments Set objComputer = GetObject(wshArguments(0))

' ' Check if Remote Assistance is installed '

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
If (fso.FileExists("C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe")) Then  
' Is istalled  
   Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  
   Return = objShell.Run("C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit \\domain.local\NETLOGON\Remote_Session.ps1" & objComputer.dNsHostName, 1, false) 
   ' Is not installed, error.  
   Wscript.Echo "Microsoft Remote PowerShell is not enabled on this machine." 
End If

On location \\domain.local\NETLOGON create new Remote_Session.ps1 file:


Enter-PSSession -ComputerName $computername

 When files are ready, you need to create new record in Active Directory using adsiedit.msc. Connecto to configuration partition of your domain:

Go to Configuration > CN=Configuration,DC… > CN=DisplaySpecifiers > CN=409 > CN=computer-Display and edit property called adminContextMenu.

Add another record into existing list of records. I used following record:

3, &PowerShell Remote,\\domain.local\NETLOGON\Powershell.vbs

which means:

3 – order of record in the list of records (if you have only one existing record, your number will be 2)

&PowerShell Remote – name of the item in context menu

\\domain.local\NETLOGON\Powershell.vbs – path to vbs script you created

Here is how it looks in one of the environments:

When all is done, your Active Directory Users and Computers console has to be reopened and you will find new record under computer account:

When you click on this new item in context menu new powershell window opens. This powershell window is remote powershell windows from remote computer.

I hope people start using powershell more often,