
Archive for July, 2024

Make Splunk clean

July 31st, 2024 No comments

This is just a quickie. When you want to reset Splunk Index into default empty state, you can run following commands:

root@splunk01:/opt/splunk/bin# ./splunk stop

root@splunk01:/opt/splunk/bin# ./splunk clean eventdata

root@splunk01:/opt/splunk/bin# ./splunk start


Manual firmware update for IBM FlashSystems

July 30th, 2024 No comments

Once a while web-based update for firmware on IBM FlashSystem doesn’t work. Or it takes long time to finish. Then there is a time to make update manually by following steps:

  • Download firmware update packages you would like to apply
  • Log to FlashSystem using SSH and run command to clean failed or old files:

cleardumps -prefix /home/admin/upgrade

  • Go back to your computer and upload downloaded firmware payload files into FlashSystem using following commands:

pscp.exe [FILE_TO_UPLOAD] superuser@[IP_FLASHSYSTEM]:/home/admin/upgrade

  • When you upload required files (firmware image and upgradetest utility), you can select those files from web update system menu:
  • Now you can proceed update as normal.

This bug with problem to upload huge files into FlashSystems are since 8.6.x.x of firmware.


How to find most used directories in Linux

July 11th, 2024 No comments

This is very fast quickie. When you want to find which directories take most of the data on Linux use following command:

 du -h -x -d 2 / | grep G

You can change “/” to corresponding directory you are interested in.

Have a nice day,

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