
Archive for August 23rd, 2012

Exchange 2010 is still looking for Demoted Domain Controller

August 23rd, 2012 No comments

When I was checking events today at one of our customers I mentioned one weird event. It was:

Event 2070

Process MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe () (PID=1388).  Exchange Active Directory Provider lost contact with domain controller OLD_DC_NAME.  Error was 0x51 (ServerDown) (Active directory response: The LDAP server is unavailable.).  Exchange Active Directory Provider will attempt to reconnect with this domain controller when it is reachable. 

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Quickie: Remove data in AD after unsuccessful domain controller demotion

August 23rd, 2012 No comments

Today my ex-colleague called me that Windows 2000 Active Directory domain, he is taking care of, is not fully functional. He mentioned that “primary” domain controller is dead and now domain has some problems.

I had to seize all FSMO roles to live Domain Controller using ntdsutils as mentioned at this Microsoft article:

I manually deleted dead domain controller’s information from Active Directory using following Microsoft article:

After checking events I found out that there was also Certification Authority on dead domain controller and I needed to clean up all Enterprise Domain Certification Autorhority information from Active Directory Domain using following Microsoft article:

PS: Don’t forget to put your account into all “administrative” groups: Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins and Schem Admins.