Exchange 2010: Increase number of move requests
When I migrate mailboxes between Exchange servers I increase numbers of move requests because two is really limiting in nowadays network and servers speeds.
All Exchange processes have their configuration files stored in directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin and *.config files. Process which is responsible for migrating is called MSExchangeMailboxReplication.exe and it’s configuration file is called MSExchangeMailboxReplication.config.
At the end of this file are some settings:
MaxRetries = “60”
MaxCleanupRetries = “5”
MaxStallRetryPeriod = “00:15:00”
RetryDelay = “00:00:30”
MaxMoveHistoryLength = “2”
MaxActiveMovesPerSourceMDB = “5”
MaxActiveMovesPerTargetMDB = “2”
MaxActiveMovesPerSourceServer = “50”
MaxActiveMovesPerTargetServer = “5”
MaxTotalMovesPerMRS = “100”
FullScanMoveJobsPollingPeriod = “00:10:00”
MinimumTimeBeforePickingJobsFromSameDatabase = “00:00:04”
ServerCountsNotOlderThan = “00:10:00”
MRSAbandonedMoveJobDetectionTime = “01:00:00”
BackoffIntervalForProxyConnectionLimitReached = “00:30:00”
DataGuaranteeCheckPeriod = “00:00:10”
DataGuaranteeTimeout = “00:30:00”
DataGuaranteeLogRollDelay = “00:01:00”
EnableDataGuaranteeCheck = “true”
DisableMrsProxyCompression = “false”
DisableMrsProxyBuffering = “false”
MinBatchSize = “100”
MinBatchSizeKB = “256” />
I think lines are explained by them selves. I usually increase two line to follwing values:
MaxActiveMovesPerSourceMDB = “10”
MaxActiveMovesPerTargetMDB = “10”
MaxActiveMovesPerSourceServer = “50”
MaxActiveMovesPerTargetServer = “50”
Now I spend about 5 times less time migrating mailboxes and servers are fine with this load.
Happy migration times 🙂
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